when you and your goat find bread (2020)
sound performance

when you and your goat find bread is a noise-musical about the story of goat herder's traditions and contemporary animalism. It's about the way we perceive and react to our lives and the way that our lives affect the natural world. It's about our capacity to imagine wildness as something that is 'not there', and how being there is a challenge to the modern urban-animalistic narrative.
when you and your goat find bread is a structured Improvisation. Structures and scores are given by the prepared installation and soundobjects. Everybody is performing to find answers to own questions. When you and your goat find bread is neither exciting nor boring, but a spiritual non-desiring.
Through a series of experiments, the piece is incorporating objects and self-made instruments, silence, chance and noise to show life’s brutal reality, not just its naïve innocence.
The piece examines modern and post-modern allegories of the environment, the animal, and economics, highlighting the enduring and seductive appeal of the modern primitive in an age when living with less remains a powerful cultural wish.

4 performers, trombone, electronics, baby timpani, bells, fake goat with pants, self-made instruments
perfromers: Elena Pastor, Arvild Baud and Pedro Torres
Festival für immaterielle Kunst, Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg, Germany
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